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24 Hours of Stratton

Sat March 15 - Sun March 16, 2025 Directions

24 Hours of Stratton

Donation Goal: $300,000

Donate to a participant: 

Select the participant's name enter your donation amount.  

General Donations:

If you wish to donate and support the Stratton Community Foundation please scroll down to the very bottom and enter your donation amount.

*You can add a special message by clicking the Message to Race/Fundraiser below.

Thank you for your support and caring about the well-being of children and families in southern Vermont.

*Donations are non-refundable.


Raised of $300,000


Top Donors

$39,670 Raised By 184 Donors

$15,000 On Behalf Of Brian & Arlene Amery
$3,000 on behalf of James Tricarico
$2,500 on behalf of Elizabeth Schuman
$1,000 on behalf of Chris Lewis
$1,000 on behalf of Kaye and Doug Malton
$1,000 on behalf of Kevin McKay
$700 on behalf of Peter Bertazzoni
$625 on behalf of UBS - Park View Partners
$500 on behalf of Andrew Sidman
$500 on behalf of Anne Perper
$500 on behalf of Donald Terwilliger
$500 on behalf of Elizabeth Rae
$500 On Behalf Of Societe Generale
$390 on behalf of Ellie Niederhoffer
$350 on behalf of Avril Niemann
$250 on behalf of Eric Amery
$250 on behalf of Frederick Schoenbrodt
$250 On Behalf Of Haskel Family
$250 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Jim Schaedler
$250 on behalf of Leslie Segrete
$250 on behalf of Shea Fitzpatrick
$200 on behalf of Adriane McAvoy
$200 on behalf of Ann Horan
$200 on behalf of Chris Mutz
$200 on behalf of Evelyn DiBenedetto
$200 on behalf of Mary Sullivan
$200 on behalf of Paula Zusi
$200 on behalf of Scott Richardson
$200 on behalf of Sue Sinclair
$175 on behalf of Matthew Gross
$150 on behalf of Hillary Laskey
$150 on behalf of PETER THOMPSON
$140 on behalf of Elizabeth Regina
$125 on behalf of Mary Ann Marbury
$125 on behalf of Mary Ann Marbury
$125 on behalf of Robert Veit
$100 on behalf of Arya
$100 on behalf of August Soltis
$100 on behalf of Bob Stansbury
$100 on behalf of Brett Hudson
$100 on behalf of Brian Berry
$100 on behalf of Brian Sheehan
$100 on behalf of Cecelia Towslee
$100 on behalf of Cido
$100 on behalf of Daniel Korb
$100 on behalf of David Donahue
$100 on behalf of Dennis McGlynn
$100 on behalf of Don’t stop chad now
$100 on behalf of Go Chad-man!
$100 on behalf of Jerry Brockett
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of John Gilfoil
$100 on behalf of John &Anne wesh
$100 on behalf of John Roman
$100 on behalf of Juke Joint Jeff & Roberta Jarvis
$100 on behalf of Kerry Pepper
$100 on behalf of Kevin Marbury
$100 on behalf of Lucas Products
$100 on behalf of Mary Buonsante-Henock
$100 on behalf of Melina Hefelfinger
$100 on behalf of Mimi Humphrey
$100 on behalf of Nancy Rothman
$100 on behalf of Nathan Bird
$100 on behalf of Paula Idarola
$100 on behalf of Rich Young
$100 on behalf of Rick Bone
$100 on behalf of Warren Bird
$100 on behalf of Wendy Parker
$75 on behalf of Mike and Eileen Sheehan
$75 on behalf of Tony Colletta
$60 on behalf of Robert Campbell
$52 on behalf of Linda Knipes
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Alexandra Reboul
$50 on behalf of Ann Skinner
$50 on behalf of Arlene Amery
$50 on behalf of Branton Pardee
$50 on behalf of Brian Lynch
$50 on behalf of Brian Meegan
$50 on behalf of Chrissie Ripple
$50 on behalf of Clay Awishes
$50 on behalf of Cookie and Georgie Coombs :)
$50 on behalf of Dave Erby
$50 on behalf of David Bernstein
$50 on behalf of Deborah Hallett
$50 on behalf of Deborah Stevenson
$50 on behalf of Elise Redkond
$50 on behalf of Ezra Ripple
$50 on behalf of Gloria Lego- Hurley
$50 on behalf of Jenny Yerkes
$50 on behalf of John Sidone
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Karen Kennedy
$50 on behalf of katherine hallett
$50 on behalf of Ken MacLeod
$50 on behalf of Kurt Steckel
$50 on behalf of Mark Dailey
$50 on behalf of Mary Barber
$50 on behalf of Mary Sikes
$50 on behalf of Mary Sullivan
$50 on behalf of Matt & Mary Ann Konopka Konopka
$50 on behalf of Michael Mauskapf
$50 on behalf of Nicole Colwell
$50 on behalf of Nicole Viola
$50 on behalf of PAMELA FARQUHAR
$50 on behalf of Pat Okeefe
$50 on behalf of Pat Okeefe
$50 on behalf of Rebecca Murray
$50 on behalf of Robert Waibel
$50 on behalf of Roger & Nancy Hostetler
$50 on behalf of Sandra Bird
$50 on behalf of Sean & Diana
$50 on behalf of Suzanne Saad
$50 on behalf of Tanya Rubin
$50 on behalf of The Stanza Family
$50 on behalf of Tom & Sue Easley
$50 on behalf of Uncle Bruce, Aunt Sarah, Ella & Trevor
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Wallace Lane
$50 on behalf of Wallace Lane
$50 on behalf of William Depeppo
$50 on behalf of William Depeppo
$50 on behalf of William Depeppo
$40 on behalf of Kim Bryant
$30 on behalf of Auntie Em
$30 on behalf of Fred Sauers
$30 on behalf of Laurence Hallett
$30 on behalf of Lindsay Palkovitz
$25 on behalf of Billy Kidd and Hollis Brooks
$25 on behalf of Brad Hennegan
$25 on behalf of Brian Meegan
$25 on behalf of Brian Meegan
$25 on behalf of Christine Schad
$25 on behalf of George W Dahl Jr
$25 on behalf of Hayden's Lolli
$25 on behalf of heidi ullrich
$25 on behalf of Jill Degan
$25 on behalf of Joanne Prouty
$25 on behalf of Joe Brandolo
$25 on behalf of Julie Donahue
$25 on behalf of Larry Lanciotti
$25 on behalf of Lisa Chizmar
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Maria Morriss
$25 on behalf of Matt Maksimowitz
$25 on behalf of Michael Brazis
$25 on behalf of Michelle Emery
$25 on behalf of Michelle Gustavson
$25 on behalf of Nathan Haupricht
$25 on behalf of Pam Albanese
$25 on behalf of Paul Bohm
$25 on behalf of Peter LaMonaca
$25 on behalf of Phil Tartaglione
$25 on behalf of Rachel Williams
$25 on behalf of Sal Branciforte
$25 on behalf of Sue Boyle
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Todd Donovan
$25 on behalf of William Bowman
$20 on behalf of Jamie Kunisch
$20 on behalf of joadee spatula
$20 on behalf of Lizzy Burridge
$20 on behalf of Margaret Hopkins
$20 on behalf of Margaret Taylor
$20 on behalf of Mary Saad
$20 on behalf of Nadine Kidney
$20 on behalf of poutch berthod
$20 on behalf of Sara Dauer
$20 on behalf of Sheryl Allen
$15 from Anonymous
$15 on behalf of Caroline Rhyans
$15 on behalf of Tiffany Sangregory
$10 on behalf of Greg Fraunhoffer
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Maryline Vivenzio
$10 on behalf of Nicholas Schaller
$10 on behalf of Raechelle Martin
$10 on behalf of Tim
$5 on behalf of Louis Farese
$5 from Anonymous
$1 on behalf of Andrew Reisfield
$1 on behalf of Isabella Petrucci
$1 on behalf of Justin Liao

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


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